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Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Friday, September 15, 2006

Finally another update

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything new! Ben's not been sleeping well since the surgery and we've been really busy with follow-up appointments and band fittings. Ben had his DOC Band and we brought him home in it yesterday. It's making him sweat - a lot. Sweat was literally dripping off the back of it last night - poor kid. So we obviously got very little sleep last night! But he's napping peacefully right now and the doctors say in a couple of days his body will adjust and he'll stop sweating so much.

Other than that Ben's doing great! He'll eat some small pieces of solid food now like pieces of green bean or northern bean, bites of bread, pieces of banana, etc. They have to be suoer small (like half the size of a pea) and I have to put it in his mouth because he can't pick them up yet. But it's definitely progress! His scar is healing really well and the swelling is almost completely gone.

Will is a hoot as usual. His new word is "can't". If he's watching a movie and gets tired of it he'll say "I can't like this mama". He's started calling me mommy sometimes - he'll run around the house calling "mommy! mommy!". He's watching Babe for the 10,000th time right now. He's learned to use the fast forward button on the VCR and he fast forwards through the scary parts. Which can be pretty much any part these days - he burst into tears watching Sesame Street the other day because Cookie Monster showed up suddenly and it scared him. He literally screamed and ran to me sobbing. Sharks are the scariest thing though - he has nightmares about them. He'll tell me he had a scary dream about sharks and when I ask him what they were doing he says "making noise". I'm not sure what that's about - it would be really interesting to know what's really going on in that little head.

I introduced Will to Tom and Jerry the other day. He LOVES them. He laughs out loud watching them. But I'm thinking this was a mistake because he appears to be acting out some of the stunts using dolls - like knocking them off counters and stomping on their faces and cackling hysterically. So I think we'll be sticking to Thomas from now on. :)

Here are all the pictures - I'm too lazy to arrange them right now! The first are photos from Cranial Technologies; they take pictures every time we have an appointment.


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