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Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Monday, August 28, 2006

We're Home!

We're back! Ben had his surgery last Wednesday and we got home from the hospital on Sunday. Everything went as well as it could have. It wasn't easy for poor little Ben - his eyes were swollen shut for days and the dressing on his head was covering his ears, so he was really freaked out. He's been super velcro baby ever since and has to be held constantly. But I think he's entitled!

He has to go get a helmet now because the doctor couldn't get his head exactly right in the surgery - it was too crooked. But they shaved all of his hair off, so at least the helmet will keep his little bald head warm. If you'd like to see pictures of Ben in the hospital you can see them here. They aren't gory but they are really sad - poor little guy.

Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts everyone - they seem to have worked! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he is home. The pictures and everything he has been through is truly amazing. Tell him his Uncle Ron loves him.

Monday, 28 August, 2006  

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