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Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ben's crooked head

Well we went to see the baby-helmet people (otherwise known as Cranial technologies) and had the shortest doctor visit of all time. My appointment was at 9:30 and I was walking out at 9:35! The therapist I saw there thinks we need to consult with a crano-facial specialist before we make any decisions on how to straighten out Ben's head. He doesn't have a typical head-flattening because of his sleeping position, so she wants an expert to look at him before we go forward. So she basically looked at Ben, gave me the cranio-facial guy's card, and we were out the door. We go to see him in July.

We had a really nice weekend here. It's been raining a lot so we've been hanging out at the house watching movies and playing with the kids. Yesterday they slept for 2 hours at the same time in the middle of the day - it was like a mini-vacation! :) Will and Ben played together so well yesterday! Ben sits in his exersaucer and watches Will as he jumps and runs around the room. If Will stops Ben starts yelling and Will comes over and says "Whattsamatta Benny?" and sometimes brings him a toy. It's very sweet.


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